Ignite exists to help EQUIP youth to GLORIFY God, SERVE the world,
SHARE God’s love with others and GROW in community.
Ignite youth is for students in grades 6-12.
Ignite meets on Wednesday evenings from 7:00-8:30 pm at
51 Farnham Gate Rd, Halifax.
For any further information about any of these events please email Emilie at emiliermoore246@gmail.com.
SHARE God’s love with others and GROW in community.
Ignite youth is for students in grades 6-12.
Ignite meets on Wednesday evenings from 7:00-8:30 pm at
51 Farnham Gate Rd, Halifax.
For any further information about any of these events please email Emilie at emiliermoore246@gmail.com.